Take part in our questionnaire
Supporting the development of innovative mental health treatment through a questionnaire.
SameYou is a brain injury recovery charity that works to develop better mental health treatment for survivors.
With your help, we hope to support survivors by developing a new, innovative, mental health-centered recovery pathway, and an information and training programme, with Mount Sinai Health System, New York.
We’re inviting you to take part in a questionnaire.
This questionnaire is for anyone who has experienced a brain injury or those who care for someone who has, such as a caregiver, friend or family member.
Through your responses, we hope to better understand the recovery experience, identify any unmet needs or areas of improvement and learn what specific type of support might be needed throughout the different phases of recovery.
We estimate that this questionnaire might take approximately 30 minutes to complete. It is recommended that you complete the assessment in one sitting, if possible. If you think you might need help to complete this survey, please make sure assistance has been arranged before you begin.
Your feedback is crucial to help deliver practical improvement in mental health-centered interventions for brain injury survivors and their loved ones.
Studies show that 1 in 3 people will suffer a brain injury in their lifetime. We believe that together, by combining voices of survivors, caregivers, healthcare professionals and community allies, we have the power to advocate for change.
Mount Sinai, which was founded in 1852, is one of America's largest and most respected hospitals and acclaimed internationally for excellence in clinical care.
You can access our questionnaire HERE - survey now closed.
Thank you for taking part. We are grateful for your support.