2021: The Neuro Recovery Directory is launched
2021: SameYou hosts an event with a panel of clinicians, NHS and survivors to launch the analysis of 1,400 lived experience stories
2021: We were granted funding from the National Lottery to launch the second phase of of NROL with The University of Central Lancashire and 5 East Lancashire hospitals
2021: We published the Untold Story of Brain Injury report on 1,400 lived experience stories sent to SameYou highlighting the scale of the unmet need, edited by a leading clinical neuropsychologist
2021: The Untold Story of Brain Injury animation tells the stories of brain injury survivors from the survivors themselves, with some speaking out for the very first time
2021: Partnership with Visionable to develop better rehabilitation strategies enabled by technology
2021: SameYou launches its 33 for ABI challenge to highlight how 1 in 3 people will be affected by brain injury in their lifetime.