Portrait: Matthew

Back on May 31, 2009, at 31 years of age, an aneurysm ruptured in the right frontal lobe of my brain. When people hear that, their first response is almost always, "Wow, that's terrible." However, I quickly talk about how it was, far and away, the best thing that's ever happened to me.

A brain injury changed Matthew’s life 

At the time of the aneurysm, I was stuck in a dead-end marriage, with a fine job, but not something that I was passionate about. Thanks to the life-changing experience of the aneurysm, I got the chance to follow my true passion and go to culinary school, graduating with my Bachelor's in Culinary Management in December 2013.  


A tasty new business 

Since graduation, I've been running my own business: a personal chef service called Chef Curry's Cuisine. I've never been happier with my career than I have been this last decade. Cooking is what I always should have done. Also, this career allows me to truly make a difference in people's lives. Growing up with my grandparents, I inherited my grandmother's love of service, and this business has given me a great way to pass that along.


A new lease of life 

The career change isn't all, though. Ever since my aneurysm, I have had a much better sense of humor and a much better personality. I'm just a better person. As I tell everybody, something in my brain that was holding me back died with the aneurysm. That needed to happen for me to become the person I was always meant to be. 


Shattering misconceptions and embracing growth 

I shudder to think of what my life would be like now if I *hadn't* suffered the aneurysm. To say it's the best thing that's ever happened to me is a vast understatement. I know there are a lot of misconceptions out there about people who've suffered some kind of brain injury. I hope that with my story, I can help spread the word that we're at least the same person we were before, or in some rare cases like mine, far superior to what we were before. 


Although brain injuries can be completely life-changing, Matthew’s story is a reminder that survivors haven’t lost the person they were before. Will you join hands with us today and donate to help us raise more awareness of brain injuries? 


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